Disclosure in accordance with §25 Abs 5 MedienG
<IHR Projekt - Mein Service>
Company name: Iris Hauck-Rameis e.U.
Owner: Iris Hauck-Rameis
Legal form: Einzelunternehmen
Company registration: FN 545760 p
VAT: ATU70740424
Court of registry: Handelsgericht Wien
Name of media owner: Iris Hauck-Rameis
Type of business: Consulting
Domicile of media owner: Hermesstrasse 1B, 1130 Vienna, Austria
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Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
IBAN: AT711200050146120226
Billing adress: Hermesstrasse 1B, 130 Vienna, Austria
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- Martina Siebenhandl
- University of applied Sciences BFI Vienna
- pma Projekt Management Austria
- GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Projectmanagement e. V.
- IPMA Česká republika, z. s.