As a consultant with focus on Project Management, I accompany you as soon as project work becomes relevant in your organization:


  • You want to implement or develop Project Management as working or cooperation method.
  • If you are starting a specific project, I will support the setup with a detailed analysis of the current situation, the elaboration of the goal definition and the creation of the project plans.
  • If a project gets in trouble, my crisis management will help to overcome the challenge, audits will create clarity.
  • Portfolio Management1 helps you to handle various projects simultaneously. You can implement tools like, for example, Portfolio-Reporting.
  • Furthermore I will support you in professionalizing your Project Management-processes.
  • The maturity of your Project Management can be increased through exchange of experiences. Daily workflows will be enhanced through established methods, they will be carried out more efficiently.
Iris Hauck Martina Siebenhandl 09

My consulting always focusses on increasing the knowledge and skills of your staff in terms of Project Management processes, so they are able to work independently. Furthermore, also your organization will profit.

1 Portfolio management is the coordination of all projects of an organization with regard to their contribution to the organization's goals.

See also ...

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